Half Way There

// Get To Know Me More | Jillian Bio //

Love can be in any forms. The most beautiful moment is exploring food and coffee where I started to be so addictive a year or two years ago. That’s where I began cafe hopping, indulging in an array of food and coffee. Often, I enjoy having me time which is quality enough for me to always occupy with deep thoughts and think about how life is should be. I can literally have a chilled session myself for hours plugging into classic songs, spending time taking photographs and editing because, passion says it all. 

The craze is to have the top view or flat lay of the food pictures, I am sure. And of course, many of my friends and family have always been thinking that my phone eats first, thinking I am paranoid taking a photo longer than ever. Well, you can’t change one’s mindset or thought. Hence, I see no point explaining further but yeah, my passion will never fade. I will still be optimistic to get to find out the ingredients terms of the food that I’ve always ordered. Me time, gives me space to enhance my skills and broaden my thoughts.
